University of Glasgow International Leadership Scholarship 2024/2025 Sessions

University of Glasgow International Leadership Scholarship

The international leadership scholarship program at the University of Glasgow for 2024 has commenced, the scholarship will come in the form of a grant amounting to a total sum of £10,000 tuition fee concessionary price and this will be beneficial to international students who will be applying for the postgraduate taught master’s scheme in the university. Therefore, all disciplines can apply for the Glasgow 2024/2025 scholarship.

University of Glasgow International Leadership Scholarship: A Quick Guide

  • Country of host: United Kingdom (UK)
  • Place of study: United Kingdom (UK)
  • Type: Postgraduate scholarship, Masters Scholarship
  • Country of eligibility: All countries
  • Prize: £10,000

Closing date: July 31st, 2024

Also Check: The British Council GREAT Scholarship for International Student

The Specifics of the university of Glasgow International Leadership scholarship program

The University of Glasgow International Leadership Scholarship scheme is being organized and anchored in a public research university in Glasgow, Scotland. It was established by Papal Bull in 1451, and it is the fourth oldest university located in the English-speaking world in Scotland it is also one of the fourth oldest universities. Applicants who have the requirements for and are willing to apply will be assessed for the scholarship on the criteria of academic merit and other criteria after submission of the application form.

Who Is Eligible To Apply

  • Applicants who will be put into consideration for the University of Glasgow leadership scholarship must acquire the following;
  • Applicant must have acquired excellent academic attainment and also must have good grades equivalent to the UK 1st class grading system
  • Applicants must hold an offer of a place for a postgraduate taught program for the year September 2024 session
  • Furthermore, applicants must have acquired an international fee status

Rewards of the university of Glasgow International leadership scholarship

The scholarship time frame will be between September 2024 and September 2025 for the September set

Applicants who are finally considered will be rewarded the total sum of £10,000 each  

Countries Eligible for the Scholarship

The following countries are considered eligible to apply for the University of Glasgow International Leadership Scholarship

Country Country Country Country Country Country
Afghanistan Bangladesh Canada Chile Ecuador France
Albania Barbados Central African Republic China Egypt Gabon
Algeria Belarus Chad Colombia El Salvador Gambia
Andorra Belgium Costa Rica Comoros Equatorial Guinea Georgia
Angola Belize Cote d’Ivoire Congo Eritrea Germany
Antigua and Barbuda Benin Croatia Congo Democratic Republic of Estonia Ghana
Argentina Bermuda Cuba Costa Rica Ethiopia Greece
Armenia Bhutan Cyprus Croatia Fiji Grenada
Australia Bolivia Czech Republic Cuba Finland Guatemala
Azerbaijan Bosnia and Herzegovina Denmark Cyprus France Guinea
Bahamas Botswana Djibouti Czech Republic Gabon Guinea Bissau
Bahrain Brazil Dominica Denmark Gambia Guyana
Bangladesh Brunei Dominican Republic Djibouti Georgia Haiti
Barbados Bulgaria Ecuador Dominica Germany Honduras
Belarus Burkina Faso Egypt Dominican Republic Ghana Hong Kong
Belgium Burundi El Salvador Ecuador Greece Hungary
Belize Cambodia Equatorial Guinea Egypt Grenada Iceland
Benin Cameroon Eritrea El Salvador Guatemala India
Bermuda Canada Estonia Equatorial Guinea Guinea Indonesia
Bhutan Cape Verde Ethiopia Eritrea Guinea Bissau Iran
Bolivia Cayman Islands Fiji Estonia Guyana Iraq
Bosnia and Herzegovina Central African Republic Finland Ethiopia Haiti Israel
Botswana Chad France Fiji Honduras Italy
Brazil Chile Gabon Finland Hong Kong Jamaica
Brunei China Gambia France Hungary Japan
Bulgaria Colombia Georgia Gabon Iceland Jordan
Burkina Faso Comoros Germany Gambia India Kazakhstan
Burundi Congo Ghana Georgia Indonesia Kenya
Cambodia Congo Democratic Republic of Greece Germany Iran Korea North
Cameroon Costa Rica Grenada Ghana Iraq Korea South
Canada Cote d’Ivoire Guatemala Greece Israel Kosovo
Cape Verde Croatia Guinea Grenada Italy Kuwait
Cayman Islands Cuba Guinea Bissau Guatemala Jamaica Kyrgyzstan
Central African Republic Cyprus Guyana Guinea Japan Laos
Chad Czech Republic Haiti Guinea Bissau Jordan Latvia
Chile Denmark Honduras Guyana Kazakhstan Lebanon
China Djibouti Hong Kong Haiti Kenya Lesotho
Colombia Dominica Hungary Honduras Korea North Liberia
Comoros Dominican Republic Iceland Hong Kong Korea South Libya
Congo Ecuador India Hungary Kosovo Lithuania
Congo Democratic Republic of Egypt Indonesia Iceland Kuwait Madagascar
Costa Rica El Salvador Iran India Kyrgyzstan Malawi
Cote d’Ivoire Equatorial Guinea Iraq Indonesia Laos Malaysia
Croatia Eritrea Israel Iran Latvia Mali
Cuba Estonia Italy Iraq Lebanon Marshall Islands
Cyprus Ethiopia Jamaica Israel Lesotho Mauritania
Czech Republic Fiji Japan Italy Liberia Mauritius
Denmark Finland Jordan Jamaica Libya Mexico
Djibouti France Kazakhstan Japan Lithuania Micronesia
Dominica Gabon Kenya Jordan Madagascar Moldova
Dominican Republic Gambia Korea North Kazakhstan Malawi Monaco
Ecuador Georgia Korea South Kenya Malaysia Mongolia
Egypt Germany Kosovo Korea North Mali Montenegro
El Salvador Ghana Kuwait Korea South Marshall Islands Morocco
Equatorial Guinea Greece Kyrgyzstan Kosovo Mauritania Mozambique
Eritrea Grenada Laos Kuwait Mauritius Myanmar
Estonia Guatemala Latvia Kyrgyzstan Mexico Namibia
Ethiopia Guinea Lebanon Laos Micronesia Nauru
Fiji Guinea Bissau Lesotho Latvia Moldova Nepal
Finland Guyana Liberia Lebanon


Steps guide for applying for the Glasgow International Leadership Scholarship 2024/2025 Sessions.

Applicants who are qualified and interested in the University of Glasgow international leadership scholarship can carefully follow the step-by-step guide to proceed with their applications;

  1. Applicants should apply for any taught masters of their choice at the University of Glasgow
  2. Applicants should access the link below to place their application directly in the University of Glasgow portal
  3. Applicants must fill in all necessary information carefully and submit
  4. Successful applicants will be informed via necessary platforms within six months.

Official Scholarship Website: University Of Glasgow

Please note that Faden Media1 ( is an independent blog providing information on various scholarship opportunities. We are not affiliated with any government agency or organization, and our purpose is simply to share scholarship information with our visitors. We do not claim to be an official representative of any government body or organization.
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